About Marshanda
” Andriani Marshanda a familiar called “Caca” or “chacha” This (born in Jakarta, 10 August 1989; age 19 years) is a young artist sinetron stars, the stars ad, and also the performers of the event. First-born child of three brothers Joseph and Irwan pair Riyanti Sofyan (Marshanda is the current manager) is born in Jakarta, Indonesia, 10 August 1989 with the Leo zodiac. Two sisters are Aldrian (Didi) and Allysa (Lisya). Now marshanda has grow and becaome famouse indonesian artis Now you can see Marshanda foto bikini, foto bugil marshanda, marshanda seksi bikini, Bikini, Aged 3-4 years old when he lived in the City of Lumpia, Semarang, on the road near the campus Pleburan V Undip. That time his father worked about two years in Semarang. He bershio snake. ”
Marshanda that this is Islam started his career in the advertising world since grade 1 primary school by accident or chance, in which at that time Marshanda accompany the model famous aunt, Chintya Rustam, so what do you think about 100 foto bugil, and foto seksi bikini of marshanda, in any site you can find and see more pictures Marshanda foto bikini, foto bugil marshanda, marshanda seksi bikini, Bikini, i got this pics On Celebrity-X-Pose.com foto telajang and foto bikini Marshanda, marshanda foto bikini, foto marshanda pakai bikini former model Lux soap ad to ad to the bureau Citra Lintas. Sesampai appeared there, to be included Marshanda casting. Casting until finally in 1997 was selected to headline Marshanda ad Bank Danamon. Next headline Marshanda a number of television ads and print media, including Filma, Cadbury eclairs, Supermi Ayam Bawang, Es MONY, Tango Wafer, Chicken Nuggets, Carvil Millennium, Susu Bendera, young, Emeron, Bank Tamara, and Vaseline.